Category Patients

Articles for patients

Rubber Dam

Uso della diga di gomma

We are celebrating the 150th anniversary On the 15th of March, 1864, Dr. Sanford Christie Barnum from New York wrote: “At the time, when the concept of a rubber dam was forming in my mind, I was practicing in Monticallis,…

Traumatic tooth avulsion

As a consequence of a car crash or trauma during games and sport, an intact tooth may literally be knocked-out of its natural place, the alveolus. Swift and precise action will allow this tooth to be re-implanted. The tooth that…

Surgical Endodontics

Intervento di Endodonzia chirurgica eseguito dal dott. Arnaldo Castellucci

What we mean by Surgical Endodontics Surgical Endodontics is the procedure of choice for treating lesions of an endodontic origin (granulomas and cysts) that do not respond to a conventional endodontic therapy or that cannot be treated with a conventional…


Occasionally, an endodontically treated (devitalized) tooth, may not heal or continue to be painful in spite of therapy, even after months or years. Very often, when this happens, the tooth may be salvaged by a second endodontic treatment: a retreatment.…